Play smarter than your opponents
We’ll show the zones of aggression and the most probable positions of your opponents before the match on FaceItAggressive pushes
of opponents in your match
Before the match we’ll show the routes of aggression of each of your opponents on CT side
Tips on how to counter
your opponents
Find out useful grenades and tricks
against your opponent’s most
frequent positions and aggressive
Positions most often
held by your opponents
You’ll learn with what probability your opponent will occupy specific positions on the map
Favorite weapons and playstyle
We’ll show the frequently used weapons and the aggressiveness of each member of the opposing team
Common and effective
grenades of your enemies
How often the grenade is used,
timings and effectiveness for all
types of grenades used by enemy
team players
Boosts, oneways and tricks
your opponents might use
Be prepared for unexpected
moves from your opponent and
easily counter them
How does it work?
Step 1
Get the
Scope Prematch
Scope Prematch
step 2
Find a match
on Faceit
on Faceit
step 3
Get a breakdown of
your opponents’ playstyle
your opponents’ playstyle
step 4
Use the acquired knowledge
in the game and win!
in the game and win!
Be one step ahead with prematch analytics
Still have questions?
What is Scope Prematch?
It is a tool for analyzing your opponents before the match on FaceIt. Prematch analytics helps you to identify your opponents’ weaknesses and adjust your strategy accordingly.
How does Scope Prematch work?
After the map selection on FaceIt the Prematch analytics automatically downloads and analyzes the last 5 matches of each of your opponents.
Based on this data, we show you favorite positions and zones of aggression on CT side, playstyle and preferred weapons of your opponents.
How to start using Scope Prematch?
To begin using the Scope Prematch analytics, sign up with your FaceIt account and fill in your card data.
After that you’ll get an option to enter a link to the lobby on the page.
Why do you need my bank card information?
Scope Prematch subscription is automatically renewed and the subscription cost is deducted from the linked card.
You can cancel the subscription any time.
How much does the Scope Prematch subscription cost?
Scope Prematch subscription is $6.3 / per month with a single annual payment ($75.9 / year in total) or $7.99 / month with monthly payment.
How do I cancel the subscription?
To do that, go to your account setting and click the «Cancel» button on top of the screen.
Does Scope Prematch only work with FaceIt matches?
At the moment Scope Prematch only works for FaceIt matches.
We plan to also include ESEA, Gamers Club, Steam CS2 matchmaking and other platforms in the future.
Can I get banned for using Scope Prematch?
No you can’t.
Prematch analytics only use publicly available data - any player on the platform can go to his opponent’s profile, download the replays of the last few matches and analyze them.
Prematch analytics algorithms work the same way, so there’s no reason for you to get banned.